Brian package structure ----------------------- List of modules with descriptions of contents: **Root package** ``base`` Shared base classes for some Brian clases. At the moment, just the :class:`ObjectContainer` class used to implement the ``contained_objects`` protocol. ``clock`` The :class:`Clock` object, :func:`guess_clock` function, and other clock manipulation functions. ``compartments`` A class used in compartmental modelling (see user documentation). ``connection`` Everything to do with connections, including the :class:`Connection` and :class:`DelayConnection` classes, but also construction/connection matrices and connection vector code. One of the longest and most technical parts of Brian. ``correlatedspikes`` A tool for producing correlated spike trains. ``directcontrol`` Classes for producing groups which fire spikes at user specified times. ``equations`` Everything to do with the :class:`Equations` class. ``globalprefs`` Global preferences for Brian, a few routines for getting and setting. ``group`` A base class for :class:`NeuronGroup` which creates an ``_S`` attribute from an :class:`Equations` object with the appropriate dynamical variables, and allows these variables to be accessed by e.g. ``grp.V`` by overriding the ``__getattr__`` and ``__setattr__`` methods. ``inspection`` Utility functions for inspecting namespaces, checking consistency of equations, some code manipulation, etc. ``log`` Brian's somewhat under-developed logging capabilities. ``magic`` Classes and functions for tracking and finding instances of classes. ``membrane_equations`` More code for compartmental modelling (see user docs). ``monitor`` All the monitors, including :class:`SpikeMonitor` and :class:`StateMonitor`. ``network`` The :class:`Network` and :class:`MagicNetwork` classes as well as the :class:`NetworkOperation` class. Also includes the :func:`run`, etc. functions. ``neurongroup`` The :class:`NeuronGroup` definition and some related stuff, including linked variables (the :class:`LinkedVar` class) and :class:`PoissonGroup`. ``optimiser`` Some tools for freezing expressions (converting e.g. ``3*ms`` into 0.003) and simplifying some equations (e.g. ``a/(10*ms)`` converted to ``a*100``). ``plotting`` Plotting tools, mostly ``raster_plot``. ``quantityarray`` A leftover from the day when Brian had support for arrays with units, will be removed when practical. ``reset`` Reset classes. ``stateupdater`` State update classes and the :func:`magic_state_updater` function. ``stdp`` STDP features. ``stdunits`` Standard unit names such as ``mV`` for ``mvolt``, etc. ``stp`` Short term plasticity features. ``threshold`` Threshold classes. ``timedarray`` The :class:`TimedArray` class and related functions. ``units`` The Brian units package, including the :class:`Quantity` class. ``unitsafefunctions`` Some functions which override the numpy ones which are safe to use with units, e.g. ``sin(3*volt)`` raises a dimensionality error. **``library`` subpackage** ``electrophysiology`` Electrophysiology library with electrode and amplifier models. ``IF`` Integrate-and-fire models (leaky, quadratic, exponential...). ``ionic_currents`` Ionic current models (K+, Na+...). ``random_processes`` Currently only Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. ``synapses`` Synaptic models (exponential, alpha and biexponential models). **``utils`` subpackage** ``approximatecomparisons`` Some tools for doing approximate comparisons with floating point numbers (because they are inexact). ``autodiff`` Automatic differentiation routines (for single-valued functions). ``circular`` and the ``ccircular`` subpackage The important :class:`SpikeContainer` and related classes. The ``C`` version uses SWIG and is much faster but requires the user to compile themselves at the moment (this will be addressed at some point in the future). ``documentation`` Some utility functions related to documentation. ``information_theory`` Entropy and mutual information estimators. Requires the ANN wrapper in scikits. ``parallelpython`` A utility function for using the Parallel Python module. ``parameters`` The :class:`Parameters` class, basically independent of Brian but potentially useful. ``progressreporting`` A progress reporting framework which :meth:`` can use to report how long it is taking to run, with text or graphical options. ``statistics`` Statistics of spike trains (CV, vector strength, correlograms...). ``tabulate`` Tabulation of numerical functions (precalculation).