.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; PopulationRateMonitor pair: example usage; raster_plot pair: example usage; Connection pair: example usage; SpikeMonitor .. _example-frompapers_Brunel_Hakim_1999: Example: Brunel_Hakim_1999 (frompapers) ======================================= Dynamics of a network of sparsely connected inhibitory current-based integrate-and-fire neurons. Individual neurons fire irregularly at low rate but the network is in an oscillatory global activity regime where neurons are weakly synchronized. Reference: "Fast Global Oscillations in Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons with Low Firing Rates" Nicolas Brunel & Vincent Hakim Neural Computation 11, 1621-1671 (1999) :: from brian import * N = 5000 Vr = 10 * mV theta = 20 * mV tau = 20 * ms delta = 2 * ms taurefr = 2 * ms duration = .1 * second C = 1000 sparseness = float(C)/N J = .1 * mV muext = 25 * mV sigmaext = 1 * mV eqs = """ dV/dt = (-V+muext + sigmaext * sqrt(tau) * xi)/tau : volt """ group = NeuronGroup(N, eqs, threshold=theta, reset=Vr, refractory=taurefr) group.V = Vr conn = Connection(group, group, state='V', delay=delta, weight = -J, sparseness=sparseness) M = SpikeMonitor(group) LFP = PopulationRateMonitor(group, bin=0.4 * ms) run(duration) subplot(211) raster_plot(M) xlim(0, duration/ms) subplot(212) plot(LFP.times_/ms, LFP.rate) xlim(0, duration/ms) show()