.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; tone pair: example usage; FunctionFilterbank pair: example usage; Gammatone pair: example usage; erbspace pair: example usage; LowPass pair: example usage; whitenoise .. _example-hears_cochleagram: Example: cochleagram (hears) ============================ Example of basic filtering of a sound with Brian hears. This example implements a cochleagram based on a gammatone filterbank followed by halfwave rectification, cube root compression and 10 Hz low pass filtering. :: from brian import * from brian.hears import * sound1 = tone(1*kHz, .1*second) sound2 = whitenoise(.1*second) sound = sound1+sound2 sound = sound.ramp() cf = erbspace(20*Hz, 20*kHz, 3000) gammatone = Gammatone(sound, cf) cochlea = FunctionFilterbank(gammatone, lambda x: clip(x, 0, Inf)**(1.0/3.0)) lowpass = LowPass(cochlea, 10*Hz) output = lowpass.process() imshow(output.T, origin='lower left', aspect='auto', vmin=0) show()