.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; raster_plot pair: example usage; SpikeMonitor pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; SpikeGeneratorGroup pair: example usage; mixture_process .. _example-misc_correlated_inputs: Example: correlated_inputs (misc) ================================= An example with correlated spike trains From: Brette, R. (2007). Generation of correlated spike trains. :: from brian import * N = 100 #input = HomogeneousCorrelatedSpikeTrains(N, r=10 * Hz, c=0.1, tauc=10 * ms) c = .2 nu = linspace(1*Hz, 10*Hz, N) P = c*dot(nu.reshape((N,1)), nu.reshape((1,N)))/mean(nu**2) tauc = 5*ms spikes = mixture_process(nu, P, tauc, 1*second) #spikes = [(i,t*second) for i,t in spikes] input = SpikeGeneratorGroup(N, spikes) S = SpikeMonitor(input) #S2 = PopulationRateMonitor(input) #M = StateMonitor(input, 'rate', record=0) run(1000 * ms) #subplot(211) raster_plot(S) #subplot(212) #plot(S2.times / ms, S2.smooth_rate(5 * ms)) #plot(M.times / ms, M[0] / Hz) show()