.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; raster_plot pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; SpikeMonitor pair: example usage; StateMonitor .. _example-misc_phase_locking: Example: phase_locking (misc) ============================= Phase locking of IF neurons to a periodic input :: from brian import * tau = 20 * ms N = 100 b = 1.2 # constant current mean, the modulation varies f = 10 * Hz eqs = ''' dv/dt=(-v+a*sin(2*pi*f*t)+b)/tau : 1 a : 1 ''' neurons = NeuronGroup(N, model=eqs, threshold=1, reset=0) neurons.v = rand(N) neurons.a = linspace(.05, 0.75, N) S = SpikeMonitor(neurons) trace = StateMonitor(neurons, 'v', record=50) run(1000 * ms) subplot(211) raster_plot(S) subplot(212) plot(trace.times / ms, trace[50]) show()