.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; raster_plot pair: example usage; Connection pair: example usage; PoissonGroup pair: example usage; SpikeMonitor .. _example-misc_topographic_map2: Example: topographic_map2 (misc) ================================ Topographic map - an example of complicated connections. Two layers of neurons. The first layer is connected randomly to the second one in a topographical way. The second layer has random lateral connections. Each neuron has a position x[i]. :: from brian import * N = 100 tau = 10 * ms tau_e = 2 * ms # AMPA synapse eqs = ''' dv/dt=(I-v)/tau : volt dI/dt=-I/tau_e : volt ''' rates = zeros(N) * Hz rates[N / 2 - 10:N / 2 + 10] = ones(20) * 30 * Hz layer1 = PoissonGroup(N, rates=rates) layer1.x = linspace(0., 1., len(layer1)) # abstract position between 0 and 1 layer2 = NeuronGroup(N, model=eqs, threshold=10 * mV, reset=0 * mV) layer2.x = linspace(0., 1., len(layer2)) # Generic connectivity function topomap = lambda i, j, x, y, sigma: exp(-abs(x[i] - y[j]) / sigma) feedforward = Connection(layer1, layer2, sparseness=.5, weight=lambda i, j:topomap(i, j, layer1.x, layer2.x, .3) * 3 * mV) recurrent = Connection(layer2, layer2, sparseness=.5, weight=lambda i, j:topomap(i, j, layer1.x, layer2.x, .2) * .5 * mV) spikes = SpikeMonitor(layer2) run(1 * second) subplot(211) raster_plot(spikes) subplot(223) imshow(feedforward.W.todense(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') title('Feedforward connection strengths') subplot(224) imshow(recurrent.W.todense(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') title('Recurrent connection strengths') show()