.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; PopulationRateMonitor pair: example usage; raster_plot pair: example usage; Connection pair: example usage; SpikeMonitor .. _example-misc_transient_sync: Example: transient_sync (misc) ============================== Transient synchronisation in a population of noisy IF neurons with distance-dependent synaptic weights (organised as a ring) :: from brian import * tau = 10 * ms N = 100 v0 = 5 * mV sigma = 4 * mV group = NeuronGroup(N, model='dv/dt=(v0-v)/tau + sigma*xi/tau**.5 : volt', \ threshold=10 * mV, reset=0 * mV) C = Connection(group, group, 'v', weight=lambda i, j:.4 * mV * cos(2. * pi * (i - j) * 1. / N)) S = SpikeMonitor(group) R = PopulationRateMonitor(group) group.v = rand(N) * 10 * mV run(5000 * ms) subplot(211) raster_plot(S) subplot(223) imshow(C.W.todense(), interpolation='nearest') title('Synaptic connections') subplot(224) plot(R.times / ms, R.smooth_rate(2 * ms, filter='flat')) title('Firing rate') show()