.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; PopulationRateMonitor pair: example usage; ExponentialSTDP pair: example usage; Connection pair: example usage; PoissonGroup .. _example-plasticity_STDP2: Example: STDP2 (plasticity) =========================== Spike-timing dependent plasticity Adapted from Song, Miller and Abbott (2000), Song and Abbott (2001) and van Rossum et al (2000). This simulation takes a long time! :: from brian import * from time import time N = 1000 taum = 10 * ms tau_pre = 20 * ms tau_post = tau_pre Ee = 0 * mV vt = -54 * mV vr = -60 * mV El = -74 * mV taue = 5 * ms gmax = 0.01 F = 15 * Hz dA_pre = .01 dA_post = -dA_pre * tau_pre / tau_post * 2.5 eqs_neurons = ''' dv/dt=(ge*(Ee-vr)+El-v)/taum : volt # the synaptic current is linearized dge/dt=-ge/taue : 1 ''' input = PoissonGroup(N, rates=F) neurons = NeuronGroup(1, model=eqs_neurons, threshold=vt, reset=vr) synapses = Connection(input, neurons, 'ge', weight=rand(len(input), len(neurons)) * gmax, structure='dense') neurons.v = vr stdp = ExponentialSTDP(synapses, tau_pre, tau_post, dA_pre, dA_post, wmax=gmax, update='mixed') rate = PopulationRateMonitor(neurons) start_time = time() run(100 * second, report='text') print "Simulation time:", time() - start_time subplot(311) plot(rate.times / second, rate.smooth_rate(100 * ms)) subplot(312) plot(synapses.W.todense() / gmax, '.') subplot(313) hist(synapses.W.todense() / gmax, 20) show()