.. currentmodule:: brian .. index:: pair: example usage; NeuronGroup pair: example usage; run pair: example usage; Clock pair: example usage; Connection pair: example usage; sqrt pair: example usage; PoissonGroup pair: example usage; RecentStateMonitor pair: example usage; Equations pair: example usage; SpikeCounter .. _example-twister_PierreYger: Example: PierreYger (twister) ============================= Pierre Yger's winning entry for the 2012 Brian twister. :: from brian import * import numpy, os, pylab """ An implementation of a simple topographical network, like those used in Mehring 2005 or Yger 2011. Cells are aranged randomly on a 2D plane and connected according to a gaussian profile P(r) = exp(-d**2/(2*sigma**2)), with delays depending linearly on the distances. Note that the exact number of synapses per neuron is not fixed here. To avoid any border conditions, the plane is considered to be toroidal. Script will generate an Synchronous Irregular (SI) slow regime with propagating waves that will spread in various directions, wandering over the network. In addition, an external layer of Poisson sources will stimulates some cells on the network, with a wiring scheme such that the word BRIAN will pop up. External rates can be turned off to observed the spontaneous activity of the 2D layer. One can observe that despite the inputs is constant, the network is not always responding to it. The script will display, while running, the spikes and Vm of the excitatory cells. Varying sigma will show the various activity structures from a random network (s_lat > 1), to a very locally connected one (s_lat < 0.1) """ ### We are setting the global timestep of the simulation Clock(0.1 * ms) ### Cell parameters ### tau_m = 20. * ms # Membrane time constant c_m = 0.2 * nF # Capacitance tau_exc = 3. * ms # Synaptic time constant (excitatory) tau_inh = 7. * ms # Synaptic time constant (inhibitory) tau_ref = 5. * ms # Refractory period El = -80 * mV # Leak potential Ee = 0. * mV # Reversal potential (excitation) Ei = -70.* mV # Reversal potential (inhibition) Vt = -50 * mV # Spike Threhold Vr = -60 * mV # Spike Reset ### Equation for a Conductance-based IAF #### eqs = Equations(''' dv/dt = (El-v)/tau_m + (ge*(Ee-v)+gi*(Ei-v))/c_m : volt dge/dt = -ge*(1./tau_exc) : uS dgi/dt = -gi*(1./tau_inh) : uS ''') n_cells = 12500 # Total number of cells n_exc = int(0.8 * n_cells) # 4:1 ratio for exc/inh size = 1. # Size of the network simtime = 1000 * ms # Simulation time sim_step = 1 * ms # Display snapshots every sim_step ms epsilon = 0.02 # Probability density s_lat = 0.2 # Spread of the lateral connections g_exc = 4. * nS # Excitatory conductance g_inh = 64. * nS # Inhibitory conductance g_ext = 200 * nS # External drive velocity = 0.3 * mm/ms # velocity ext_rate = 100 * Hz # Rate of the external source max_distance = size * mm/numpy.sqrt(2) # Since this is a torus max_delay = max_distance/velocity # Needed for the connectors ### Generate the images with the letters B, R, I, A, N ### To do that, we create a png image and read it as a matrix pylab.figure() pylab.text(0.125, 0.4, "B R I A N", size=80) pylab.setp(gca(), xticks=[], yticks=[]) pylab.savefig("BRIAN.png") brian_letters = imread("BRIAN.png") os.remove("BRIAN.png") brian_letters = numpy.flipud(mean(brian_letters,2)).T pylab.close() ### We create the cells and generate random positons in [0, size]x[0, size] all_cells = NeuronGroup(n_cells, model=eqs, threshold=Vt, reset=Vr, refractory=tau_ref) all_cells.position = size*numpy.random.rand(n_cells, 2) exc_cells = all_cells[0:n_exc] inh_cells = all_cells[n_exc:n_cells] ### We initialize v values slightly above Vt, to have initial spikes all_cells.v = El + 1.1*numpy.random.rand(n_cells) * (Vt - El) ### Now we create the source that will write the word BRIAN sources = PoissonGroup(1, ext_rate) sources.position = array([[0.5, 0.5]]) ### Function to get the distance between one position and an array of positions ### This is needed to used the vectorized form of the connections in the brian.Connection objects ### Note that the plane is wrapped, to avoid any border effects. def get_distance(x, y): d1 = abs(x - y) min_d = numpy.minimum(d1, size - d1) return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(min_d**2, 1)) ### Function returning the probabilities of connections as a functions of distances def probas(i, j, x, y): distance = get_distance(x[i], y[j]) return epsilon * numpy.exp(-distance**2/(2*s_lat**2)) ### Function returning linear delays as function of distances def delays(i, j, x, y): distance = get_distance(x[i], y[j]) return 0.1*ms + (distance * mm )/ velocity ### Function assessing if a cell is located in a particular letter of the word BRIAN ### Return 0 if not, and 1 if yes. def is_in_brian(i, j, x, y): a, b = brian_letters.shape tmp_x, tmp_y = (y[j][:, 0]*a).astype(int), (y[j][:, 1]*b).astype(int) return 1 - brian_letters[tmp_x, tmp_y] print "Building network with wrapped 2D gaussian profiles..." Ce = Connection(exc_cells, all_cells, 'ge', weight=g_exc, max_delay=max_delay, sparseness=lambda i, j : probas(i, j, exc_cells.position, all_cells.position), delay =lambda i, j : delays(i, j, exc_cells.position, all_cells.position)) Ci = Connection(inh_cells, all_cells, 'gi', weight=g_inh, max_delay=max_delay, sparseness=lambda i, j : probas(i, j, inh_cells.position, all_cells.position), delay =lambda i, j : delays(i, j, inh_cells.position, all_cells.position)) Cext = Connection(sources, all_cells, 'ge', weight=g_ext, max_delay=max_delay, sparseness=lambda i, j : is_in_brian(i, j, sources.position, all_cells.position)) print "--> mean probability from excitatory synapses:", Ce.W.getnnz()/float(n_exc*n_cells) * 100, "%" print "--> mean probability from inhibitory synapses:", Ci.W.getnnz()/float((n_cells - n_exc)*n_cells) * 100, "%" print "Setting the recorders..." v_exc = RecentStateMonitor(exc_cells, 'v', record=True) s_exc = SpikeCounter(exc_cells) ion() # To enter the interactive mode print "Initializing the plots..." fig1 = pylab.subplot(211) im = fig1.scatter(all_cells.position[:n_exc, 0], all_cells.position[:n_exc, 1], c=[0]*n_exc) im.set_clim(0, 1) fig1.set_ylabel("spikes") pylab.colorbar(im) fig2 = pylab.subplot(212) im = fig2.scatter(all_cells.position[:n_exc, 0], all_cells.position[:n_exc, 1], c=[0]*n_exc) im.set_clim(El, Vt) fig2.set_ylabel("v") pylab.colorbar(im) manager = pylab.get_current_fig_manager() print "Running network ..." for time in xrange(int((simtime/sim_step)/ms)): run(sim_step) fig1.cla() fig1.set_title("t = %g s" %((sim_step * time)/ms)) idx = s_exc.count > 0 if numpy.sum(idx) > 0: im = fig1.scatter(all_cells.position[:n_exc, 0][idx], all_cells.position[:n_exc, 1][idx], c=[0]*n_exc) s_exc.count = numpy.zeros(n_exc) ## We reset the spike counter fig1.set_xlim(0, size) fig1.set_ylim(0, size) fig1.set_ylabel("spikes") im.set_clim(0, 1) setp(fig1, xticks=[], yticks=[]) fig2.cla() im = fig2.scatter(all_cells.position[:n_exc, 0], all_cells.position[:n_exc, 1], c=v_exc.values[-1]) fig2.set_xlim(0, size) fig2.set_ylim(0, size) fig2.set_ylabel("v") im.set_clim(El, Vt) setp(fig2, xticks=[], yticks=[]) manager.canvas.draw() manager.canvas.flush_events() ioff() # To leave the interactive mode