.. currentmodule:: brian Short-term plasticity ===================== Brian implements the short-term plasticity model described in: Markram et al (1998). Differential signaling via the same axon of neocortical pyramidal neurons, PNAS 95(9):5323-8. Synaptic dynamics is described by two variables x and u, which follows the following differential equations:: dx/dt=(1-x)/taud (depression) du/dt=(U-u)/tauf (facilitation) where taud, tauf are time constants and U is a parameter in 0..1. Each a presynaptic spike triggers modifications of the variables:: x->x*(1-u) u->u+U*(1-u) Note that the update order is important. Synaptic weights are modulated by the product u*x (in 0..1), which is taken before updating the variables. This model describes both depression and facilitation. To introduce short-term plasticity into an existing connection C, use the class :class:`STP`:: mystp=STP(C,taud=100*ms,tauf=5*ms,U=.6)