Example: minimalexample (misc)ΒΆ

Very short example program.

from brian import *

eqs = '''
dv/dt = (ge+gi-(v+49*mV))/(20*ms) : volt
dge/dt = -ge/(5*ms) : volt
dgi/dt = -gi/(10*ms) : volt

P = NeuronGroup(4000, model=eqs,
              threshold= -50 * mV, reset= -60 * mV)
P.v = -60 * mV + 10 * mV * rand(len(P))
Pe = P.subgroup(3200)
Pi = P.subgroup(800)

Ce = Connection(Pe, P, 'ge', weight=1.62 * mV, sparseness=0.02)
Ci = Connection(Pi, P, 'gi', weight= -9 * mV, sparseness=0.02)

M = SpikeMonitor(P)

run(1 * second)
i = 0
while len(M[i]) <= 1:
    i += 1
print "The firing rate of neuron", i, "is", firing_rate(M[i]) * Hz
print "The coefficient of variation neuron", i, "is", CV(M[i])

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